Microencapsulation pioneers since 1982.

Our History

Vetagro - History

We are a progressive and science-based company with an Italian heart and an international presence.
We have over 40 years of experience in the development and production of feed additives for ruminants, pigs, poultry and aquaculture. 
Our strong dedication to R&D and biotech engeeniering has enabled us to pioneer precision microencapsulation technology. Our solutions improve the intestinal health, control the unwanted microflora, increase nutrients bioavailability, ultimately optimizing the growth response and productivity of different animal species.

Our Mission

Vetagro - Mission

Our deepest purpose is to develop and supply high-quality feed additives that ensure optimal health and nutrition for livestock, in an economically sustainable manner, while reducing our environmental impact and positively contributing to agriculture.

Our Vision

Vetagro - Vision

We are a group of passionate researchers with the ambition of feeding the world and nourishing the needs of future generations.

Our Strengths

  • Excellence Certified

    EFSA – EU Commission approved solutions
  • 100% Made in Italy

    from the Italian food Valley we export quality all around the world
  • Focus on Our Customer

    highly qualified customer and technical support around the world
  • Microencapsulation

    efficacy for over 30 years
  • Research

    peer reviewed publications and scientific forums

Our Goals

  • Canada

    Food safety

  • Canada

    Consumer Health

  • Canada

    Improved animal health and performance

  • Canada

    Reduced environmental impact


Our technology since 1982.

We are Master in microencapsulation.
We were the first to use the matrix technology for
rumen-bypass of amino acids in dairy cows.
We then scaled-up our expertise to intestinal
slow-release in monogastric animals and aquatic
Our products are designed to guarantee a
targeted delivery of active ingredients in the
intestinal tract of animals.
Exactly where needed.

The advantages of Microencapsulation

Nutritional Advantages

  • Rumen by-pass and intestinal slow release for maximum efficacy
  • Species-specific

Feeding Advantages

  • High mixability
  • Exceptional palatability
  • Improved stability
  • Lower inclusion rate
  • Lower inclusion rate

Technical Advantages

  • Easy and safe to handle
  • Minimizes corrosiveness
  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Pelleting compatible
  • Dust reduction

Our Milestones

Rumen Protection

Pioneer in manufactured Timet®, Rumen Protected Methionine. Flora Bovis was developed by Dr. Peter Van Soest to increase rumen NDF digestibility.


Well before the 2006 European withdrawal of antibiotic growth promoters, Tetracid® 500 is launched, becoming a flagship product for weaned piglets and is extensively copied by competitors. It remained our best seller for over 15 years.


Global Patents marked the innovation of Galliacid® S for poultry and Tetracid® S for swine. The second generation of Vetagro feed additives.

Budapest, Hungary

Vetagro distribution for Eastern Europe is established.

Reggio Emilia, Italy

The opening of New Headquarters and State of the Art Production Facility.


The EU commission approves AviPlus®S and AviPlus®P for to increased growth rate and feed efficiency of weaning pigs and poultry, respectively.
Vetagro, Inc. is established in Chicago, IL USA.

Latin America

The opening of the Latin American Market.

Vetagro YEM

Vetagro YEM is established in Istanbul, Turkey.

Take a Virtual Tour of our Headquarters.


Our Certifications of Quality

Our technology and feed additives are patent protection in the United States (US 7,258,880 B2), in the European Union (EP 1,391,155 B1), and in Canada (CA 2,433,484 C); with more patents pending. Our corporate responsibility is to strive for quality. In 2014 Vetagro obtained the Excellence Award in recognition of Quality, Environmental and Safety Management System complying with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and BS OHSAS 18001.

These endorsements demonstrate Vetagro’s commitment to manufacturing quality, work safety and environmental stewardship.
In the context of quality control, we are constantly screening our raw ingredients and final products throughout the supply chain, using internal and external laboratories. For us, ingredient and product quality and traceability are essential.

All our certificates